
CURRENT    Future and recent work


Current and Highlights 2021-2024!


ANNOUNCEMENT:  Gregson Theater is pleased and grateful to announce that we have received all of our grant funding for 2023 Spring, Summer and Fall Seasons.

Current & Upcoming Workshops, Events and Theater Residencies:

movementExciting Gregson Theater News!   Barbara Gregson received a Professional Development grant in June, 2024, an “Artists in the Community'' grant program, administered by the Earlville Opera House to develop a super creative mime and movement class for adults, especially those 50+. 

“Mime, Moves - Imagine, Move Play!” is a one-hour movement class for adults, especially those 50+.  It will be offered in the fall of 2024 around the Southern Tier, NY. We will keep you posted on where and when the classes will be offered.


Barbara has been working on the new mime and movement course with the working title of “Mime Moves.”  She started in May 2024 and then collaborated with Theater Director and Theater Professor, Elizabeth Moser at Binghamton University. Elizabeth has been a wonderful resource and coach while developing the course. Barbara also rented the dance studio at the Norwich YMCA in which to further develop the course with real students. 

About “Mime Moves” -  a little history
Barbara Gregson, has been a movement theater artist since 1975 when she studied mime in Paris with Ella Jaraoszewicz.  In the years since, she has incorporated her theater training from English theater schools and street theater background in Europe into writing and producing original theater productions with a vast variety of people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities.  Movement, mime and physical theater has always been the basis of all of the shows Barbara Gregson has performed in and directed. 

About “Mime Moves” - philosophy and format
She has now developed a one-hour class, which will make her mime training and  expertise  accessible to all as of September 2024. She is taking these techniques off the stage and from her rehearsals into a gym, senior center, library, community center or dance studio to share with adults of all ages and abilities.

Participants will discover their creativity, use their imaginations, express themselves with their bodies, interact with others in the class and have fun.   They will learn the same exercises and techniques that professional actors, mimes and storytellers learn and use in their work.  These include group stretching warm ups, theater games, mime isolation exercises, full body movements, character runs and walks, improvising, playing off one another and having fun! 

Highlights of Recent Events, Workshops and Residencies:

“It Happened One Day at the Stagecoach Stop . . ." - workshop May - June 2024 with performance, June 8th - The show, is a 19th-century historical street theater production. This performance was part of the Butternut Valley Alliance's "Art Exhibition: On the Trail of Art" which was performed at The Texas School House State Forest, 734 Jones Rd (trailhead), Burlington Flats (New Lisbon), NY. We performed in the woods on June 8th, 2024. We strolled through and interacted with the audience and then ended up on the outdoor stage.   VIEW 2‑MIN VIDEO

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“Masks, Myths and Mime" - inclusive class, Cazenovia, NY, May - June 2024
In this class, participants made masks, learned theater techniques to create an original theater piece.
Participants rehearsed at the Cazenovia Public Library and performed at Carpenters Barn, Cazenovia. VIEW FLYER     READ CAZ REPUBLICAN ARTICLE
This project was partially funded by the NY State Regrants program administered by CNY Arts - READ MORE

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“Dear Godesses" - theater class for adults, Manlius Senior Center, Manlius, NY, April - May 2024
In this class for adults, community members from the area and from the senior center learned and practiced theater techniques in order to write and perform an original theater piece. All adults ages 50 plus were invited to participate. Read the March 5th article in the Eagle News Bulletin. SCANNED ARTICLE    ONLINE ARTICLE
This project was partially funded by the NY State Regrants program administered by CNY Arts - READ MORE

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“Masks, Myths and Mime" - Oxford Memorial Library, Oxford, NY, October - November 2023
A group of kids to adults learned the ancient theater arts traditions, such as mime, acting, play writing, improv and Renaissance mask making a character mask using a plaster cast of your face. No theater experience was necessary. We selected the Pandora's Box  myth which participants adapted into a short theater piece for our final performance for family and friends.   VIEW SHOW FLYER  
This project was partially funded by the NY State Regrants program administered by the Earlville Opera House - READ MORE

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“Unmask Your Creative Self" - October, 2023
Barbara Gregson directed the Herkimer 7th and 8th grade, Middle School students at a theater arts and mask workshop, "Unmask Your Creative Self" at The Gateway Center, Herkimer, NY on October 2023.  The event was sponsored by Herkimer BOCES.   

Herkimer teens Herkimer teens Herkimer teens Herkimer teens Herkimer teens Herkimer teens

“Teens Tell Tales" - August, 2023
Theater Arts came to the Butternut Valley Arts Center in Morris, NY for the first time! Barbara Gregson directed a Free Theater Arts Program for Teens. Teens from 12-18 registered and participated in the program. During this workshop, students learned, mime, acting techniques and storytelling along with mask making. Students created  and performed an original final show for family and friends.    VIEW FLYER         VIEW EVE SUN ARTICLE      VIEW WHARTON VALLEY GAZ ARTICLE      VIEW SHOW PROGRAM

This project was partially funded by the NY State Regrants program administered by the Earlville Opera House - READ MORE

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Theater Arts Residency - May-June, 2023
“Tales of Love and Transformation"  was directed by Barbara Gregson, with original music composed by Eric Porter ( Mt View Players/Mt View Wellness Center celebrated their 10 years of performances and receiving grants with Gregson Theater since 2014! We also partnered with The First United Methodist Church of Oneonta, NY. Everyone 18 and older was welcome! All classes/rehearsals and two performances were be held at The First United Methodist Church, Oneonta, NY.   VIEW FLYER   -   GOFUNDME LINK   -   VIEW SHOW POSTER
This project was partially funded by the NY State Regrants program administered by the Earlville Opera House - READ MORE.

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Two FREE classes and performances through CazArts in Cazenovia - April-May, 2023
“Creativity & Storytelling for Theater-Making " this first class was directed by Barbara Gregson with music by Eric Porter ( Participants (adults, ages 40) discovered and developed their artistry, creativity & storytelling self in this collaborative, creative theater-making process. They used theater techniques learned to and create improvisations along with music accompaniment, culminating in a FREE, live performance. 
INCLUSIVE - Creative & Fun Process of Storytelling! "  this second class was directed by Barbara Gregson with music by Eric Porter ( This class explored the creative and fun process of storytelling with live music. Participants learned the basics of acting, mime, character development & use of theater character masks. FLYER1   -   FLYER2   -   CAZ REPUBLICAN ARTICLE   -  PERFORMANCE INFO1  -  PERFORMANCE INFO2
These two projects were partially funded by the NY State Regrants program administered by CNY Arts - READ MORE.

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“Theater Arts & Masks" - October, 2023
Barbara Gregson directed the Herkimer 7th and 8th grade, Middle School students at a theater arts and mask workshop, "Theater Arts & Masks" in March 2023.  The event was sponsored by Herkimer, NY BOCES.   

Herkimer teens Herkimer teens Herkimer teens Herkimer teens Herkimer teens

Theater Arts Residency - September - October, 2022
“Minstrels, Trappers, Peddlers and Pirates Along the Chenango Canal"  was directed by Barbara Gregson, with original music composed by Eric Porter ( A performance was held October 8th at the Chenango County Historical Society pavillion, 45 Rexford St, Norwich during their "Path Through History Weekend." Two additional performances were held October 14th at 6:30PM and October 15th at 1:00PM in the Martin Kappel Theater of the Chenango ARTS Council, 27 W Main St, Norwich. This project was partially funded by the NY State Regrants program administered by the Earlville Opera House - READ MORE.

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Theater Arts Workshops for KIDS! - August, 2022
This workshop for kids was called Summer Cool: Student Theatre & Arts!  Students learned visual and theatre arts with two instructors, Barbara Gregson and Brandon Law, creating portraits of themselves and one anotherand practicing the Renaissance tradition of maskmaking. Participants then practiced the arts of improvisation, mime and storytelling, putting their new skills to work for a real performance on the Martin W. Kappel Stage!

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Theater Arts Residency - July, 2022
The Mt View Players returned for their annual show; their 9th show to date. “At Last I Found . . ." was performed at the Community Arts Network of Oneonta (CANO), 111 Ford Ave, Oneonta, NY. This was a collaborative, original production which looks at the unexpected paths we take in life, and is based on the haiku poem  from “Ariwara no Narihira" (or "I Have Always Known").  “At Last I Found . . ." was performed by the actors and artists, of the Mt View Players, in mime, poetry, mask theater and live music and was directed by Barbara Gregson with original music composed and played by Eric Porter. There were four shows: July 15, Friday (two shows), 5:30PM and again at 6:30PM and July 16, Saturday (two shows), at 10:30AM and again at 11:30AM. 

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Theater Arts Residency - Oct - Nov, 2021
“Song of Pandora,"  based on the myth of Pandoras Box. Directed by Barbara Gregson, original music by Eric Porter, with the Mt View Wellness Center and the “Mt View Players." Produced and performed at the First United Presbyterian Church (Red Door Church), Oneonta, NY. This was the 6th production with the Mt View Players. This project was partially funded by the NY State Regrants program administered by the Earlville Opera House - READ MORE.

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Theater Arts Residency - Jul - Aug, 2021
“The Players and the Pirates Along the Chenango Canal," based on the 10th century Japanese legend, “The Musician and The Pirates." Our version took place in 1870 when a band of players from NYC is attacked on their packet boat along the Chenango Canal by a band of Pirates. It was Performed on Aug 27 and 28, 2021 at The Chenango Arts Council, Norwich NY. The cast consisted of community members from Norwich and Oneonta, NY along with Barbara Gegson and musicians, Eric Porter and Carl Pickett. It was a huge success! This project was partially funded by the NY State Regrants program administered by the Earlville Opera House - READ MORE.

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Theater Arts Residency - May - Aug, 2021
Barbara Gregson and musician Eric Porter returned to work with The Mountain View Players at the Mt View Wellness Center, Oneonta, NY for the 5th year. Their new piece, “Waiting For" was written and performed by Barbara Gregson, Eric Porter, Oneonta community members and The Mt. View Players. The shows were performed on Aug 6, and Aug 7, 2021 at the First United Presbyterian Church (The Red Door Church). The audience moved from room to room, throughout the building, while the cast performed a series of comedic vignettes. This project was partially funded by the NY State Regrants program administered by the Earlville Opera House - READ MORE.

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Staying Creative During Coronavirus - March 2020 - December 2021zoom meetings
During the first year of the COVID 19 pandemic, we canceled many planned live, theater residencies, classes and productions and put our creative energies into writing and producing the "Artists Lost and Found" podcast. This is a podcast all about our favorite topic, the arts, art making and super-brave artists who create against all odds. “Artists Lost and Found.” The first episode launched in July 2020 and the last in January 2021. Listen or search on Spotify, Itunes, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts.

Theater Artists Play book
-“Theater Artists Play! - a THEATER ARTIST'S GUIDE to making and creating your OWN theater work”. The book is available through Amazon and on this site. Learn more.



Received Community Arts Grant - We are proud to announce that we received all of the 2020 DEC Community Arts grants that we applied for, from the Chenango Arts Council, Norwich, NY and funded by NYSCA to do our very creative theater making work. Thank you NYSCA for supporting our local arts council with the funding. class

Book Signing AND Public Reading - Sidney Memorial Public Library Sidney, NY, Feb 16, 2020. Barbara Gregson read and demonstrated mask and mime skills described in her book, Theater Artists Play, A THEATER ARTIST'S GUIDE to creating and making your OWN theater work! She will demonstrate the use of masks and mime in her work and theater productions, answer questions and also signed any books that were purchased previously from her website or Amazon.

Mask making workshops - Barbara taught two mask making workshops entitled "Unmask Your Creative Self" - one at Broome County Council on the Arts, Binghamton, NY in February, 2020, and another at the Guernsey Memorial Library, Norwich, NY in mid-March, 2020.     See photo #1.     See photo #2.

Book Signing and Sale -“Theater Artists Play!” Barbara Gregson held a book signing at the Colorscape Arts Festival on September 2019, in Norwich, NY. Also see

Theater Residency - West Learning Center, BOCES, Apalachin, NY - "Peace Tales from Around the World" was the title of the theater residency for youth grades 2-8 held spring 2019 (for the 4th year).

Theater Residency - The Place - We created a show during their summer 2019 program with the theme being, “Peace”.

Theater Residency - Mt View Wellness Center, Oneonta NY - We created an original show with adults, “adults in transition” from the Oneonta, NY community and the Mt View Wellness Center summer 2019. See video <<LINK>>.

Philadelphia Fringe Festival “Theater Artist Play!” storytelling and theater making workshops - Barbara held two workshops SEP2018 based on her book, Theater Artists Play. Both were held at Gwendolyn Bye Dance Center, Philadelphia, PA for the Philadelphia Fringe Arts Festival.




banner picSeveral of the above residencies and productions were funded by Earlville Opera House's Arts in the Community Grants Program, made possible by the NYS Senate with support of the Office of the Governor, and administered by the New York State Council on the Arts.

pix descriptionSeveral of the above residencies and productions were made possible with funds from the Statewide Community Regrants Program, a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature and administered by CNY Arts.


"I am finally getting to enjoy your book and it is such a wonderful and valuable one. Thank you for all that you do." - Kathy Varadi (actor)

"This was the most creative theater residency /experience we have ever had at our school! Thank you!" - Mr. Johnson (high school music teacher, Philadelphia)

"I love that now I have the ability to create my OWN productions through masks and mime and improvisation - being creative" - Beth (age 16, after she attended a Gregson Theater Masks and Mime Workshop at a BOCES Herkimer, NY)

Call Today (215 850 7443) for a Free Consultation to find out how you or your organization/group can work with Gregson Theater to participate in a workshop or other theater experiences.

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