
TIMELINE    Photos from several periods


Paris 1977: After studying mime for 6 months with Ella Jaroszewicz, Barbara L. Gregson was out on the street with her fellow mime students, Tony Brown and Nancy Davoust.

Paris 1977 Paris 1977

Hamburg, Germany 1977: Barbara was back in Hamburg with musician Charlie Von Dehn

Hamburg 1977 Hamburg 1977

Hamburg, Germany 1978: Barbara worked with Rost Theater Company on their show for the Festival "Theater of Nations"

Hamburg 1978 Hamburg 1978 Hamburg 1978 Hamburg 1978 Hamburg 1978 Hamburg 1978 Hamburg 1978

Hamburg, Germany 1977-1979: Barbara worked with the award winning street theater company Theater WunderWurm. All of their shows were written, produced and performed by Peter Baer and Barbara Gregson with musicians, Andre Rebstock and Jorge Reyes.

Hamburg 1977 Hamburg 1977 Hamburg 1977 Hamburg 1977 Hamburg 1977 Hamburg 1977 Hamburg 1977 Hamburg 1977 Hamburg 1977 Hamburg 1977 Hamburg 1977 Hamburg 1977 Hamburg 1977 Hamburg 1977 Hamburg 1977 Hamburg 1977

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